F**k You I Won’t Do What You Tell Me

A great band once sang the lyrics ‘F**k you I won’t do what you tell me’, and never did it ring so true as when watching the Champions League semi finals this week.

Whilst viewing the Liverpool v Chelsea & the AC Meelan v Man Utd games this week, I don’t mind telling you that I felt a little bit ‘green monster’ at the thought of being left out, I mean, if someone tells you they aint bothered that their closest rivals are in the semi finals of the Champions League, then they’re liars.

However I have been amazed to see actually how many supporters of other clubs seem to be forced beyond their will to cheer for these teams just because of the single fact that they come from England.

‘Oh you’ve gotta cheer the English teams on haven’t you’

Er, No.

These are teams I spend my days bitching about, I cherish every game we reign victorious against them and feel sick to the stomach when we lose.

We laugh when they lose, they bite back when it’s our turn. So why oh why do we feel it necessary to jump on the European bandwagon?

When Liverpool fought back to bag ol big ears for the 5th time in Istanbul, I watched the game with my scouse mate, I cheered the ‘Pool on for my friends sake, I consoled him when they were 3-0 down and assured him they’d win when it came down to penalties. And what did I get when that winning spot kick went in?

‘Ahhhhhhh, five times, five times, you’ve never won it, come see your dad!!’

Needless to say I’ve never been one for authorities, or people telling me what to do, I don’t like to follow the crowd, I don’t eat grass and I don’t ‘baaaaa’, so the next time someone tells you you have to support a team in Europe just because they are English and you really don’t want to, remember the lyrics of Rage Against The Machine and sing…….

‘F**ck you, I won’t do what you tell me’

Come on AC Milan!!!

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