Mourinho Is Arrogant & A Bully

Arsenal goalkeeping coach and former player, Bob Wilson has branded Jose Mourinho ‘arrogant’ and a ‘bully’ for his recent antics regarding the mighty Gunners.

Wilson says that he has spoken to the Portugese manager’s staff and received nothing but glowing reports. Wilson, however, has other idea’s.

?I think his voyeur taunt was an absolute disgrace.

?I have talked to guys who work for Mourinho and they say he is absolutely fantastic but you cannot do as he is doing in not shaking hands.

?At this moment, Chelsea are the best team in the country and that?s credit to the players and the coaches that surround them.

?But what I?m upset about, and what I don?t like, is the arrogance he has.?

Wilson aslo voiced what most of the country is thinking.

?I think a lot of people will enjoy it when he tumbles and stumbles. At the moment, he is a little bit of a bully.?

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