Maybe Alexis Will Join Manchester City?

As far as Sky Sports is concerned Alexis Sanchez is ‘high on Manchester City’s summer transfer list’ – maybe his Arsenal career really is winding down?

Reports, earlier this week, had claimed Man City were ‘leading the race’ to sign the Arsenal forward – somewhat scoffed at, when it was suggested Alexis was ‘very close’ to agreeing a deal to work with his former Barcelona boss, Pep Guardiola, at the Etihad Stadium.

Man City, it must be stressed this is only according to what ‘Sky Sports News understands’ – which isn’t an exact science at all, have grown ‘increasingly interested’ in Alexis, 28, and the Chilean reports had claimed his decision to head to Manchester had already been made…

Losing Alexis would be a blow, more so to a Premier League rival such as Man City, but as much as it’s easy to sail Arsenal’s failed season will probably cost us a top-four finish – this shouldn’t ever be accepted as ‘success’ by any means – as well as several players, on the flipside can we really say he’s playing like a footballer who DOES want to play for the Gunners?

No one player, or manager, is bigger than Arsenal – FACT. So, if Alexis wants out he should get out and, past has proven as much, he’ll most likely get his wish too, owing to ‘player power’ these days.

Joining Man City would be far from ideal but it’s no good carrying an unhappy player through the final year of his contract before potentially losing Alexis for nothing anyway… is it?

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